京大英語 2010年度 第2問

  1. 問題
  2. 解説
    1. 第1段落
      1. The distribution of educational opportunity plays a key role in shaping human development prospects.
      2. Within countries, governments and people increasingly recognize that unequal opportunities for education are linked to inequalities in income, health and wider life chances.
      3. And what is true within countries is true also between countries.
      4. Large global gaps in education reinforce the extreme divides between rich and poor nations in income, health and other aspects of human development.
    2. 第2段落
      1. The full extent of the gulf in opportunities for education is not widely appreciated.
      2. Education is a universal human right.
      3. However, enjoyment of that right is heavily conditioned by birth and inherited circumstance.
      4. Access to education is greatly influenced by where one is born and by other factors over which children have no control, including parental income and nationality.
    3. 第3段落
      1. From a global perspective, being born in a developing country is a strong indicator for reduced opportunity.
      2. School achievement, measured in terms of the average number of years or grade reached in education, is one (admittedly limited) measure of global inequality.
      3. While almost all member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have attained universal school achievement to grade 9, most countries in developing regions are far from this position.
      4. At age 16, over 80% of the population of the OECD countries is in secondary school while one-quarter of sub-Saharan Africa’s population is still in primary school.
      5. Four years later, at age 20, around 30% of the OECD population is in post-secondary education.
      6. The figure for sub-Saharan Africa is 2%.
    4. 第4段落
      1. Striking as they are, these figures tell only part of the story.
      2. One way of thinking about unequal opportunity is to consider the chance that a child born in one country will achieve a given level of education relative to a child born somewhere else.
      3. The results are revealing.
      4. They show that children in countries such as Mali and Mozambique have less chance of completing primary school than children in France or the United Kingdom have of reaching higher education.
      5. The gulf in attainment is not restricted to sub-Saharan Africa.
      6. Around one in five pupils entering primary school in Latin America and in South and West Asia does not survive to the last primary grade.
    5. 第5段落
      1. Global inequalities in education mirror inequalities in income.
      2. The association is not coincidental.
      3. While the relationship between education and wealth creation is complex, knowledge has an important influence on economic growth and productivity.
      4. In an increasingly knowledge-based international economy, differences in educational opportunities are taking on more importance.
      5. There is a growing sense in which today’s inequalities in education can be seen as a predictor for tomorrow’s inequalities in the global distribution of wealth, and in opportunities for health and employment.
      6. The fact that in half the countries of sub-Saharan Africa the survival rate to the last grade of primary school is 67% or less is not irrelevant to prospects for overcoming the region’s marginalization in the global economy.



 The distribution of educational opportunity plays a key role in shaping human development prospects. Within countries, governments and people increasingly recognize that unequal opportunities for education are linked to inequalities in income, health and wider life chances. And what is true within countries is true also between countries. Large global gaps in education reinforce the extreme divides between rich and poor nations in income, health and other aspects of human development.
 The full extent of the gulf in opportunities for education is not widely appreciated. Education is a universal human right. However, enjoyment of that right is heavily conditioned by birth and inherited circumstance. Access to education is greatly influenced by where one is born and by other factors over which children have no control, including parental income and nationality.
 From a global perspective, being born in a developing country is a strong indicator for reduced opportunity. (1)School achievement, measured in terms of the average number of years or grade reached in education, is one (admittedly limited) measure of global inequality. While almost all member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have attained universal school achievement to grade 9, most countries in developing regions are far from this position. At age 16, over 80% of the population of the OECD countries is in secondary school while one-quarter of sub-Saharan Africa’s population is still in primary school. Four years later, at age 20, around 30% of the OECD population is in post-secondary education. The figure for sub-Saharan Africa is 2%.
 (2)Striking as they are, these figures tell only part of the story. One way of thinking about unequal opportunity is to consider the chance that a child born in one country will achieve a given level of education relative to a child born somewhere else. The results are revealing. (3)They show that children in countries such as Mali and Mozambique have less chance of completing primary school than children in France or the United Kingdom have of reaching higher education. The gulf in attainment is not restricted to sub-Saharan Africa. Around one in five pupils entering primary school in Latin America and in South and West Asia does not survive to the last primary grade.
 Global inequalities in education mirror inequalities in income. The association is not coincidental. While the relationship between education and wealth creation is complex, knowledge has an important influence on economic growth and productivity. In an increasingly knowledge-based international economy, differences in educational opportunities are taking on more importance. There is a growing sense in which today’s inequalities in education can be seen as a predictor for tomorrow’s inequalities in the global distribution of wealth, and in opportunities for health and employment. (4)The fact that in half the countries of sub-Saharan Africa the survival rate to the last grade of primary school is 67% or less is not irrelevant to prospects for overcoming the region’s marginalization in the global economy.



The distribution of educational opportunity plays a key role in shaping human development prospects.

  • in doing「~するとき」

The distributionS of educational opportunity playsV a key roleO in shaping human development prospects.


教育的な機会の分配Sは, 人間の発達見通しを形作るときに鍵の役割O演じるV


教育機会の分布は, 人類の発達の見通しを立てる際に, 非常に重要な役割を担う。

Within countries, governments and people increasingly recognize that unequal opportunities for education are linked to inequalities in income, health and wider life chances.


Within countries, governments and peopleS increasingly recognizeV that unequal opportunitiesS’ for education are linked toV’ inequalitiesO’ in income, health and wider life chances.


国の中で, 政府と人々Sは, 徐々に, 教育のための等しくない機会S’は, 収入, 健康, より広い生活の機会の中の不平等O’関連付けられているV’ということ認識するV


各国内で, 政府や国民は, 教育機会の不平等が, 収入や健康, より幅広い生活の機会における不平等と結びついているということを, ますます認め始めている。

And what is true within countries is true also between countries.


And what isV’ trueC’ within countries isV trueC also between countries.


そして, 国の中で正しいC’ことまた, 国の間で正しいC


そして, 各国内で成り立つことは, 各国間においても同様に当てはまる。

Large global gaps in education reinforce the extreme divides between rich and poor nations in income, health and other aspects of human development.


Large global gapsS in education reinforceV the extreme dividesO between rich and poor nations in income, health and other aspects of human development.


教育の中の大きい地球の格差Sは, 収入や, 健康や, 人間の発達のその他の側面の中の, 豊かな国と貧しい国の間の極端な分断O強めるV


教育についての地球規模の大きな格差によって, 収入, 健康, その他人類の発達に必要な要素について, 豊かな国と貧しい国の間の極端な分断が強くなっている。


The full extent of the gulf in opportunities for education is not widely appreciated.

  • gulf「湾」はやや難の単語。教育格差の話題なので, gapと同じように使われている。

The full extentS of the gulf in opportunities for education is not widely appreciatedV.


教育のための機会の中の湾の十分な程度Sは, 広く評価されていないV


教育機会の格差が実際にどの程度であるかということは, 広く正しく認識されてはいない。

Education is a universal human right.


EducationS isV a universal human rightC.


教育Sは, 普遍的な人間の権利Cだ。


教育は, 普遍的な人権だ。

However, enjoyment of that right is heavily conditioned by birth and inherited circumstance.

  • enjoyment「享受」は重要。enjoy freedom「自由を享受する」でよく出る。

However, enjoymentS of that right is heavily conditionedV by birth and inherited circumstance.


しかし, その権利の享受Sは, 誕生と受け継がれた環境によって重く調整されるV


しかし, その権利をどれだけ享受できるかは, その人が生まれた場所や親から受け継いだ環境によって, 強く左右される。

Access to education is greatly influenced by where one is born and by other factors over which children have no control, including parental income and nationality.


Access to educationS is greatly influencedV by where oneS’ is bornV’ and by other factors over which childrenS” haveV” no controlO”, including parental income and nationality.


教育へのアクセスSは, S’生まれるV’場所によって, そして, 親の収入や国籍を含む, その上で子供S’無のコントロールO’持っているV’ような他の要因によって, 大きく影響させられるV


教育を受ける機会は, 生まれた場所や, 親の収入や国籍などのその他の要因によって, 大きく左右される。そして, 子供たちはそれらの要因をどうすることもできない。


From a global perspective, being born in a developing country is a strong indicator for reduced opportunity.


From a global perspective, being bornS in a developing country isV a strong indicatorO for reduced opportunity.


地球の観点から, 発展途上国の中で生まれることSは, 減らされた機会のための強い示しOだ。


世界規模で考えると, 発展途上国に生まれることは, 教育機会の減少を強く示している。

School achievement, measured in terms of the average number of years or grade reached in education, is one (admittedly limited) measure of global inequality.

  • コンマで囲まれた部分は, achievementを後置修飾する形容詞句と考えて後ろから訳してもよい(構造解析参照)し, 分詞構文と考えて前から訳してもよい(意訳例参照)。
  • この文は実はorの並列を確定するのが難しく, 深く考えずに訳しても何となく日本語になるので, 間違えても仕方がないところ。

School achievementS, measured in terms of the average number of years or grade reached in education, isV one admittedly limited measureC of global inequality.


教育の中の, 年の平均数到達される学年の観点から測られる, 学校の達成Sは, 確かに限られた一つの測定Cだ。


学校教育の達成度は, 教育課程における平均在学年数や平均到達学年という観点から測られるものであり, (確かに限定的ではあるが)世界の不平等を示す一つの指標である。

While almost all member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have attained universal school achievement to grade 9, most countries in developing regions are far from this position.


While almost all member countriesS’ of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have attainedV’ universal school achievementO’ to grade 9, most countriesS in developing regions are far fromV this positionC.


OECDのほとんどすべてのメンバー国S’が, 学年9に対する普遍的な学校到達O’達成してきたV’一方で, 発達中の地域の中のほとんどの国Sが, 決してこのポジションCではない。


OECD加盟国のほとんどすべてが, 中学3年相当までの普遍的な学校教育を達成しているが, 発展途上地域のほとんどの国は, この状況とは程遠い。

At age 16, over 80% of the population of the OECD countries is in secondary school while one-quarter of sub-Saharan Africa’s population is still in primary school.

  • S V while S’ V’は, 直訳すると「S’V’の一方でSV」となるが, 意味の対称性から「SVの一方でS’V’」と前から読んでも同じで, その方が楽。
  • primary school = elementary school「小学校」は知っておいた方がよいが, secondary school「中等学校」はややこしくなるので知らなくてよい。ここでは, 単純に「中学校」ではさそう。

At age 16, over 80%S of the population of the OECD countries isV in secondary school while one-quarterS’ of sub-Saharan Africa’s population isV’ still in primary school.


16歳時点で, サハラ以南の人口の4分の1S’は, いまだに小学校の中である一方で, OECDの国の人口の80%以上Ssecondary schoolの中である。


16歳時点で, OECD加盟国の国民の80%以上は, 中等教育を受けている。一方, サハラ以南の国民の4分の1は, まだ小学校に通っている。

Four years later, at age 20, around 30% of the OECD population is in post-secondary education.


Four years later, at age 20, around 30%S of the OECD population isV in post-secondary education.


4年後, 20歳時点で, OECDの人口の約30%Sは, post-secondary教育の中だ。


4年後の20歳時点では, OECD加盟国の国民の約30%は, 中等後教育を受けている。

The figure for sub-Saharan Africa is 2%.


The figureS for sub-Saharan Africa isV 2%C.


サハラ以南のアフリカにとっての数字Sは, 2%Cだ。


サハラ以南のアフリカの国では, その数字は2%である。


Striking as they are, these figures tell only part of the story.

  • 形容詞 as S Vは譲歩。

StrikingC’ as theyS’ areV’, these figuresS tellV only partO of the story.


それらS’衝撃的C’であるが, これらの数字Sストーリーの部分Oだけ語るV


これらの数字は衝撃的ではあるが, 実情のほんの一部しか伝えていない。

One way of thinking about unequal opportunity is to consider the chance that a child born in one country will achieve a given level of education relative to a child born somewhere else.

  • chance that以下が完全文になっているので, 同格のthat。chanceは多義語で, 「機会, 可能性」を押さえておく。
  • relative to以下が難しいが, 「比較的な, 相対的な, 関連する」という意味と, そこまでで文は完結しているので, 以下を全て括弧にくくれる(前置詞句として考えられる)ことから, 意味を推測する。

One wayS of thinking about unequal opportunity isV to consider the chanceC that a childS’ born in one country will achieveV’ a given levelO’ of education relative to a child born somewhere else.


不公平な機会について考えることの一つの方法Sは, 一つの国で生まれた子供Sが, 他のどこかで生まれた子供と関連して教育の与えられたレベルO達成するだろうVという可能性を考えることCだ。


機会の不平等について考える一つの方法は, ある国で生まれた子供が, 他の場所で生まれた子供と比較して, 一定のレベルに達する可能性はどれくらいあるかを考察することだ。

The results are revealing.


The resultsS areV revealingC.





They show that children in countries such as Mali and Mozambique have less chance of completing primary school than children in France or the United Kingdom have of reaching higher education.

  • have of doingという用法は知らないので, よく考えてみると, 前半に似た部分があるので, chanceの省略が分かる。

TheyS showV that childrenS’ in countries such as Mali and Mozambique haveV’ less chanceO’ of completing primary school than childrenS” in France or the United Kingdom haveV” of reaching higher education.


それらSは, マリやモザンビークのような国の中の子供S’は, フランスやイギリスの中の子供S”より高度な教育に達するという機会O’持っているV”よりも, 小学校を完了するというより少ない機会O’持っているV’ということ示しているV


その結果は, 以下のことを示している。マリやモザンビークの子どもたちが小学校を修了する可能性は, フランスやイギリスの子どもたちが小学校より高度な教育に進める可能性よりも低いのである。

The gulf in attainment is not restricted to sub-Saharan Africa.


The gulfS in attainment is not restrictedV to sub-Saharan Africa.


到達の中のSは, サハラ以南のアフリカに対して制限されていないV


教育の到達度の格差は, サハラ以南のアフリカ諸国に限らない。

Around one in five pupils entering primary school in Latin America and in South and West Asia does not survive to the last primary grade.


Around one in five pupilsS entering primary school in Latin America and in South and West Asia does not surviveV to the last primary grade.


ラテンアメリカや南と西アジアの中で小学校に入っている5人の生徒の中の約1人Sが, 最後の小学学年まで生き残らないV


ラテンアメリカや西南アジアでは, 小学校に入学した生徒の約5人に1人が, 小学校を修了することができない。


Global inequalities in education mirror inequalities in income.


Global inequalitiesS in education mirrorV inequalitiesO in income.


教育の中の地球の不平等Sは, 収入の中の不平等OmirrorするV


教育における世界規模の不平等は, 収入における不平等を反映している。

The association is not coincidental.


The associationS is notV coincidentalC.




教育と収入の関連は, 偶然の一致ではない。

While the relationship between education and wealth creation is complex, knowledge has an important influence on economic growth and productivity.

  • have an influence[impact / effect] on Aは頻出。「Aに影響を与える」であり, 「影響を持つ」とはあまり言わないことに注意。

While the relationshipS’ between education and wealth creation isV’ complexC’, knowledgeS hasV an important influenceO on economic growth and productivity.


教育と富創造の間の関係S’複雑であるC’一方で, 知識S経済的な成長と生産性の上に重要な影響O持っているV


教育と豊かさの創出との関連性は複雑だが, 知識は, 経済成長と生産性に重大な影響を与える。

In an increasingly knowledge-based international economy, differences in educational opportunities are taking on more importance.

  • take on A「Aを引き受ける, Aを帯びる」は重要イディオム。

In an increasingly knowledge-based international economy, differencesS in educational opportunities are taking onV more importanceO.


ますます知識ベースの国際的な経済の中で, 教育的な機会の中の違いSは, より大きな重要性O帯びているV


これまでよりますます知識を基盤としつつある国際経済において, 教育機会の差は, より一層重大な意味を持つようになってきている。

There is a growing sense in which today’s inequalities in education can be seen as a predictor for tomorrow’s inequalities in the global distribution of wealth, and in opportunities for health and employment.


There isV a growing senseS in which today’s inequalitiesS’ in education can be seenV’ as a predictor for tomorrow’s inequalities in the global distribution of wealth, and in opportunities for health and employment.


教育の中の今日の不平等S’は, その中で富の地球の分配の中で, そして, 健康や雇用のための機会の中で, 明日の不平等のための予測者として見られることができるV’ような, 成長している感覚SあるV


現在の教育機会の不平等は, 将来の地球規模の富の分配や, 健康および雇用機会の不平等を予測するものであると見なすことができるという認識が, 徐々になされつつある。

The fact that in half the countries of sub-Saharan Africa the survival rate to the last grade of primary school is 67% or less is not irrelevant to prospects for overcoming the region’s marginalization in the global economy.

  • be relevant to A「Aと関係がある」に, 否定の接頭語ir-が付いているので, be irrelevant to A「Aと無関係である」
  • prospect for A「Aの見通し」
  • 直訳と意訳でもわかりにくい人に, 一応意味の補足を行う。本文全体で, 教育の質(Aとする)と, 経済成長などの国にとって良い指標(Bとする)は, 正の相関があることが言われている。「克服する見通しと無関係ではない」とは, 67%という数字(A)と, marginalizationを克服する見通し(B)は, 関連しているということ。小学校を卒業できる率(A)が上がれば, marginalizationを克服する確率(B)も上がる。

The factS that in half the countries of sub-Saharan Africa the survival rateS’ to the last grade of primary school isV’ 67% or lessC’ is not irrelevant toV prospectsO for overcoming the region’s marginalization in the global economy.


サハラ以南の半分の国の中で小学校の最後の学年までの生き残りの率S’67%かそれ以下C’であるという事実Sは, 地球の経済の中で地域の余白化を克服することへの見通しO無関係ではないV


サハラ以南の国の半数において, 小学校の最終学年まで到達する生徒の割合が67%以下であるという事実は, 世界経済において, その地域が端に追いやられることを克服する見通しと無関係ではない。


現在, 生徒募集中です。
この記事の解説がわかりやすいと感じた方は, 是非一度検討してみてください。

