京大英語 2019年度 第2問

  1. 問題
  2. 解説
    1. 第1段落
      1. The first commercially available digital camera was launched in 1990.
      2. In the decade that followed, it created a lot of anxiety in photographers and photography scholars.
      3. Some went as far as declaring photography dead as a result of this shift.
      4. Initially this was considered too steep a change to be classified as a reconfiguration, rather it was seen as a break.
      5. A death of something old. A birth of something new.
    2. 第2段落
      1. Digital images can also be easily copied, duplicated and edited.
      2. The latter made the flexibility of what photos can be seen as representing more obvious.
      3. It also made representing ourselves and our lives easy, cheap and quick.
      4. Additional shots now come with no additional costs, and we can and do take 10, 20, 30 snaps of any given thing to sort through later.
      5. In addition to transforming the individual value of the image, this has altered the emotional meanings we attributed both to keeping and getting rid of individual photographs.
      6. Printed images of loved ones used to be kept even if they were out of focus, blurry or had development mistakes on them.
      7. In the context of the massive amount of digital images, the labour of love now becomes the cleaning, sorting, tagging, categorizing and deleting majority of the photos.
      8. While it is occasionally claimed that this emergent acceptance of deleting photos is indicative of their diminished social worth, there are plenty of digital snapshots that are printed out, displayed as the lock-screen on devices, or used as the background of the computer screen.
      9. Overall, we can say that digitalization has shifted the focus of photography from photographs themselves to the act of taking pictures.
    3. 第3段落
      1. The first camera phones date back to the very beginning of the twenty-first century.
      2. In early 2001, the BBC reported on the first cell phone with a camera invented in Japan.
      3. Readers from around the world offered their ideas on what such a peculiar invention might be good for.
      4. Some said it could have many uses for teenagers (streamlining shopping for outfits, proving you have met a pop idol, setting up your friends on dates) but would be pretty pointless for adults.
      5. Others thought it would be a practical aid for spying, taking sneak pictures of your competitors’ produce or quickly reporting traffic accidents and injuries.
      6. Yet others thought it might be nice for travelers to keep in touch with their families or hobbyists to show art or collections to others.
      7. My personal favourites include commenters who wrote they couldn’t wait for the device to be available at a reasonable price in their home country, so they can take pictures of the friendly dogs they meet at the park.
      8. Someone suggested the camera needs to be on the front to allow for video calls, which didn’t happen in practice until 2003.
    4. 第4段落
      1. A digital culture scholar claims that the fact that we always carry a camera alters what can be and is seen, recorded, discussed and remembered.
      2. Some photography scholars propose that camera phones and camera phone images have three social uses — to capture memories, to maintain relationships, and to express yourself.
      3. In contrast, another scholar argues that the camera phone is no different from other portable image making devices and that the uses and meanings attributed to home videos in 1980s have been exactly the same — memory, communication and self-expression.
      4. In this sense, the social function of photography seems to have remained despite the changes through various reconfigurations of technology and cultural imaginaries about it.


 次の文章を読み, 下の設問(1)~(4)に答えなさい。

 The first commercially available digital camera was launched in 1990. (a)In the decade that followed, it created a lot of anxiety in photographers and photography scholars. Some went as far as declaring photography dead as a result of this shift. Initially this was considered too steep a change to be classified as a reconfiguration*, rather it was seen as a break. A death of something old. A birth of something new.
 Digital images can also be easily copied, duplicated and edited. The latter made the flexibility of what photos can be seen as representing more obvious. It also made representing ourselves and our lives easy, cheap and quick. Additional shots now come with no additional costs, and we can and do take 10, 20, 30 snaps of any given thing to sort through later. In addition to transforming the individual value of the image, (b)this has altered the emotional meanings we attributed both to keeping and getting rid of individual photographs. Printed images of loved ones used to be kept even if they were out of focus, blurry or had development mistakes on them. In the context of the massive amount of digital images, the labour of love now becomes the cleaning, sorting, tagging, categorizing and deleting majority of the photos. While it is occasionally claimed that this emergent acceptance of deleting photos is indicative of their diminished social worth, there are plenty of digital snapshots that are printed out, displayed as the lock-screen on devices, or used as the background of the computer screen. Overall, we can say that digitalization has shifted the focus of photography from photographs themselves to the act of taking pictures.
 The first camera phones date back to the very beginning of the twenty-first century. In early 2001, the BBC reported on the first cell phone with a camera invented in Japan. Readers from around the world offered their ideas on what such a peculiar invention might be good for. Some said it could have many uses for teenagers (streamlining shopping for outfits, proving you have met a pop idol, setting up your friends on dates) but would be pretty pointless for adults. Others thought it would be a practical aid for spying, taking sneak pictures of your competitors’ produce or quickly reporting traffic accidents and injuries. (c)Yet others thought it might be nice for travelers to keep in touch with their families or hobbyists to show art or collections to others. My personal favourites include commenters who wrote they couldn’t wait for the device to be available at a reasonable price in their home country, so they can take pictures of the friendly dogs they meet at the park. Someone suggested the camera needs to be on the front to allow for video calls, which didn’t happen in practice until 2003.
 A digital culture scholar claims that the fact that we always carry a camera alters what can be and is seen, recorded, discussed and remembered. Some photography scholars propose that camera phones and camera phone images have (d)three social uses — to capture memories, to maintain relationships, and to express yourself. In contrast, another scholar argues that the camera phone is no different from other portable image making devices and that the uses and meanings attributed to home videos in 1980s have been exactly the same — memory, communication and self-expression. In this sense, the social function of photography seems to have remained despite the changes through various reconfigurations of technology and cultural imaginaries about it.

*reconfiguration = modification; redesign

(1) 下線部(a)を和訳しなさい。

(2) 下線部(b)は具体的にどのようなことを指しているか, 本文に即して日本語で説明しなさい。

(3) 下線部(c)を和訳しなさい。

(4) 下線部(d)のthree social usesのうち, あなた自身がcamera phoneを使うならばどれを重視するか。1つを選び, 具体例を挙げて理由を100語程度の英語で述べなさい。



The first commercially available digital camera was launched in 1990.


The first commercially available digital cameraS was launchedV in 1990.


最初の商用的に利用可能なデジタルカメラSは, 1990年に打ち上げられたV


最初の市販のデジタルカメラは, 1990年に発売された。

In the decade that followed, it created a lot of anxiety in photographers and photography scholars.

  • followについては, A follow B「AがBに従う, AがBについていく」の基本を押さえる。このように, 主語は従属(下っ端)のイメージ。よって, 自動詞でA followのように使われた場合は, 「Aは(その後に)続く, Aが続いて起きる」のように訳せる。

In the decade that followedV’, itS createdV a lot of anxietyO in photographers and photography scholars.




その後の10年間, デジタルカメラは写真家や写真の研究者の間で多大な不安を引き起こした。

Some went as far as declaring photography dead as a result of this shift.

  • このas far asは, 「~する限り, ~の範囲で」の意味で使われるおなじみのas far asではなく, 単純に「同じくらい遠く」という意味。
  • declare A B「AをBと宣言する」の用法は知らなくてよい。ここでは, consider A Bなどと同じように, 「A = BだとVする」と訳すとうまく行きそうなので, このような用法(第5文型)で使われているのだろうと見抜かないといけない。

SomeS wentV as far as declaringv photographyo deadc as a result of this shift.


いくつかSは, このシフトの結果として写真o死んだc宣言することvと同じくらい遠くへ行ったV


このような変化の結果, 写真は死んだとすら断言する人もいた。

Initially this was considered too steep a change to be classified as a reconfiguration, rather it was seen as a break.

  • regard A as Bの形が受け身で使われているところが3か所あるので, 以下に全て能動態に直した形を書いておく。
  • someone considerV thisA too steep a changeB「ある人はこれをとても急な変化と見なす」
  • someone classifyV a changeA asas a reconfigurationB「ある人は変化をreconfigurationと分類する」
  • someone seeV itA asas a breakB「ある人はそれをbreakと見なす」

Initially thisS1 was consideredV1 too steep a changeC1 to be classified as a reconfiguration, rather itS2 was seenV2 as a break.


最初にこれS1は, reconfigurationとして分類されるためには急な変化すぎるC1見なされたV1。むしろそれS2breakとして見られたV2


これは初め, 非常に激しい変化のため, 技術の再構成とは見なされず, むしろ破壊だと見なされた。

A death of something old. A birth of something new.


A death of something old. A birth of something new.




つまり, 古い技術が死に, 新しい技術が生まれたのだと考えられた。


Digital images can also be easily copied, duplicated and edited.

  • duplicate「(~を)複製(する)」はよく出るので, 必須単語。

Digital imagesS can also beV easily copiedV, duplicatedV and editedV.


デジタルイメージSまた, 簡単にコピーされV, 複製されV, 編集されることができるV


デジタル画像はまた, 容易にコピーや複製, 編集が可能である。

The latter made the flexibility of what photos can be seen as representing more obvious.


The latterS madeV the flexibilityO of what photosS’ can be seenV’ as representing more obviousC.


後者Sは, 写真が表現することとして見られうること柔軟性Oより明確CしたV


特に編集によって, 写真が実際に表していると思われるものの柔軟性がより明らかとなった。

It also made representing ourselves and our lives easy, cheap and quick.


ItS also madeV representing ourselves and our livesO easy, cheap and quickC.


それはまた, 私たち自身と私たちの生活を表現することO簡単で, 安くて, 素早くC したV


私たち自身やその生活を表現することも, 簡単に安く素早くできるようになった。

Additional shots now come with no additional costs, and we can and do take 10, 20, 30 snaps of any given thing to sort through later.

  • sort through「(~を)分類する」は過去何度も出題された必修熟語。

Additional shotsS1 now comeV1 with no additional costs, and weS2 can and do takeV2 10, 20, 30 snapsO2 of any given thing to sort through later.


追加のショットS1今は無の追加コストとともに来るV1。そして, 私たちS2後で分類するために, 任意の与えられたものの10,20,30のスナップO2撮ることができて撮るV2


今や追加の写真を撮るのに追加の費用はかからない。どんなものでも10枚, 20枚, 30枚の写真を撮って後で選別することができるし, 実際そのようにしている。

In addition to transforming the individual value of the image, this has altered the emotional meanings we attributed both to keeping and getting rid of individual photographs.

  • attribute A to B = owe A to B = ascribe A to B「AをBに帰する, Aの原因がBだと思う」。関係代名詞を元の文に戻すと, weS attributeV the emotional meaningsA both toto keeping and getting rid of individual photographsB私たちSは, 感情的な意味Aは, 個人の写真を保存することと除くことB両方原因だと思うV」。

In addition to transforming the individual value of the image, thisS has alteredV the emotional meaningsO weS’ attributedV’ both toto keeping and getting rid of individual photographsB’.


画像の個人の価値を変えることに加えて, これS私たちS’個人の写真を保存することと除くことB’両方帰するV’ような感情的な意味O変えてきたV


このことは, 個々の画像の価値を変えてきたことに加えて, 個々の写真を保存することと処分すること両方に起因する感情的な意味をも変えてきた。

Printed images of loved ones used to be kept even if they were out of focus, blurry or had development mistakes on them.


Printed imagesS of loved ones used to be keptV even if theyS’ wereV’1 out of focus, blurryC’1 or hadV’2 development mistakesO’2 on them.


loved onesのプリントされた画像Sは, かつて保存されたVたとえもしそれらS’焦点の外, blurryC’1で, それらの上に開発のミスO’2持ったV’2としても


最愛の人が印刷された画像は, もしピントが合わずにぼやけていたり, 現像中の失敗があったとしても, 以前は保存されていたものだ。

In the context of the massive amount of digital images, the labour of love now becomes the cleaning, sorting, tagging, categorizing and deleting majority of the photos.


In the context of the massive amount of digital images, the labourS of love now becomesV the cleaning, sorting, tagging, categorizing and deleting majorityC of the photos.


デジタルイメージの多大な量の文脈の中で, 愛の労働S今や, 写真の大部分を掃除し, ソートし, タグ付けし, カテゴライズし, 消すことCなるV


デジタル画像が大量に撮影される状況において, 写真をきれいにし, 選別し, タグ付けし, 分類し, 大部分を削除することは, 今や愛情を持って行われるようになった。

While it is occasionally claimed that this emergent acceptance of deleting photos is indicative of their diminished social worth, there are plenty of digital snapshots that are printed out, displayed as the lock-screen on devices, or used as the background of the computer screen.

  • be indicative of A = indicate Aと推測できる。

While itS’ is occasionally claimedV’ that this emergent acceptanceS” of deleting photos isV” indicativeC” of their diminished social worth, there areV plenty of digital snapshotsS that are printed outV”’, displayedV”’ as the lock-screen on devices, or usedV”’ as the background of the computer screen.


写真を消すことのこの緊急の受け入れS”それらの減少された社会的価値のindicativeC”であるということ時々主張されるV’一方で, プリントアウトされV”’, デバイス上でロック画面として表示されV”’, コンピュータ画面の背景として使われるV”’ような多くのデジタルスナップショットSあるV


このように写真を削除することが急激に受け入れられていることは, 写真の社会的価値の低下を示していると主張されることもある。一方で, たくさんのデジタル画像が, 印刷されたり, 機器のロック画面に表示されたり, パソコンの壁紙に使われたりしている。

Overall, we can say that digitalization has shifted the focus of photography from photographs themselves to the act of taking pictures.


Overall, weS can sayV that digitalizationS’ has shiftedV’ the focusO’ of photography from photographs themselves to the act of taking pictures.


全体的に, 私たちSは, デジタル化S’写真そのものから写真を撮ることの行動まで, 写真の焦点O’変えてきたV’ということ言えるV


概して, デジタル化によって, 写真の本質が, 写真そのものから写真を撮る行為へと移ったと言うことができる。


The first camera phones date back to the very beginning of the twenty-first century.


The first camera phonesS date back toV the very beginningO of the twenty-first century.


最初のカメラ電話Sは, 21世紀のまさに始まりOまでさかのぼるV


最初のカメラ付き携帯電話は, 21世紀のちょうど初めにまでさかのぼる。

In early 2001, the BBC reported on the first cell phone with a camera invented in Japan.


In early 2001, the BBCS reportedV on the first cell phone with a camera invented in Japan.


2001の最初, BBCS日本で発明された最初のカメラ付き携帯電話についてレポートしたV


2001年の初頭, BBCは日本で開発された世界初のカメラ付き携帯電話について報じた。

Readers from around the world offered their ideas on what such a peculiar invention might be good for.


ReadersS from around the world offeredV their ideasO on what such a peculiar inventionS’ might beV’ goodC’ for.


世界中からの読者Sが, このような特異な発明S’が何のために良いC’ かもしれないV’かということについての彼らのアイデアO提供したV


世界中の読者が, この一風変わった発明の有効な活用方法について, 自分の考えを述べた。

Some said it could have many uses for teenagers (streamlining shopping for outfits, proving you have met a pop idol, setting up your friends on dates) but would be pretty pointless for adults.


SomeS saidV itS’ could haveV’1 many usesO’1 for teenagers streamlining shopping for outfits, proving you have met a pop idol, setting up your friends on dates but would beV’2 pretty pointlessC’2 for adults.


いくつかSは, それS’若者にとって多くの使用O’1持つかもしれないV’1outfitのために買い物をstreamlineすること, ポップアイドルに会ったことを証明すること, 友人にデートをセットアップすることが, 大人にとってかなり無意味C’2あるだろうV’2ということ言ったV


若者にとっては様々な用途があるかもしれない(例えば衣服の買い物の効率化, 有名アイドルに会ったことの証明, デートの準備など)が, 大人にとってはほとんど無意味だという人もいた。

Others thought it would be a practical aid for spying, taking sneak pictures of your competitors’ produce or quickly reporting traffic accidents and injuries.


OthersS thoughtV itS’ would beV’ a practical aidC’ for spying, taking sneak pictures of your competitors’ produce or quickly reporting traffic accidents and injuries.


他人Sは, それS’スパイすること, あなたの競争者の製品のsneakな写真を撮ること, 交通事故とけがをすばやく報告することのための実用的な補助C’あるかもしれないV’ということ考えたV


また, スパイ活動, 競合他社の製品の盗撮, 交通事故やその負傷者の迅速な報告などを助ける実用的なものになるだろうと考える人もいた。

Yet others thought it might be nice for travelers to keep in touch with their families or hobbyists to show art or collections to others.

  • ここでの文頭のyetは, 「しかし」ではない。文脈を見ると, カメラ付き携帯の最初期の評価が続いており, 前々文で否定的, 前文で肯定的, この文で肯定的なので, 「さらに」などが適切。細かい知識だがyet another「さらに別の」を知っていると楽。
  • itを形式主語と考え, it = for travelers to keep ~とするのも文法的に間違いではない。しかしそれで訳すと, 「しかし他人は, 旅行者が彼らの家族と連絡を取り続けることや, hobbyistが他人に芸術やコレクションを見せることは, 良いことかもしれないと考えた」となる。カメラ付き携帯の話題が消えて, よくわかない一般論になってしまう。よって, it = カメラ付き携帯。

Yet othersS thoughtV itS’ might beV’ niceC’ for travelers to keep in touch with their families or hobbyists to show art or collections to others.


しかし他人Sは, それS’旅行者が彼らの家族と連絡を取り続けるためにまたはhobbyistが他人に芸術やコレクションを見せるために良いC’ かもしれないV’ということ考えたV


さらに, カメラ付き携帯は, 旅行中の人々が家族と連絡を取り続けたり, 趣味に興じる人々が他人に芸術品や収集品を見せるのに役立つかもしれないと考える人もいた。

My personal favourites include commenters who wrote they couldn’t wait for the device to be available at a reasonable price in their home country, so they can take pictures of the friendly dogs they meet at the park.

  • SV so that S’V’「S’V’するためにSV」やSV, so that S’V’「SVしてその結果S’V’」は, thatが省略可能。

My personal favouritesS includeV commentersO who wroteV’ theyS” couldn’t waitV” for the device to be availableto do at a reasonable price in their home country, so theyS”’ can takeV”’ picturesO”’ of the friendly dogs theyS”” meetV”” at the park.


私の個人的なお気に入りSは, 彼らS”彼らのホーム国でリーズナブルな価格でデバイスが利用可能になるto doのを待てないV”ということ, その結果彼らS”’彼らS””公園で会うV””ようなフレンドリーな犬の写真O”’撮れるV”’ということ書いたV’ようなコメントする人O含むV


私が個人的に好きな意見の一つに, その機器が自国で安く手に入るようになり, 公園で出くわす人懐っこい犬の写真を撮れるようになるのが待ちきれないという意見がある。

Someone suggested the camera needs to be on the front to allow for video calls, which didn’t happen in practice until 2003.

  • allow for A「Aを考慮する」

SomeoneS suggestedV the cameraS’ needs to beV’ on the frontC’ to allow for video calls, which didn’t happenV” in practice until 2003.


誰かSカメラS’ビデオコールを考慮するために前面にあるC’ 必要があるV’ということ示唆したVそしてそれは, 2003まで実用の中に起きなかったV”


ビデオ通話を考慮して, カメラは前面に取り付けられるべきだと提案する人もいたが, それが初めて実現したのは2003年だった。


A digital culture scholar claims that the fact that we always carry a camera alters what can be and is seen, recorded, discussed and remembered.


A digital culture scholarS claimsV that the factS’ that weS” always carryV” a cameraO” altersV’ what can be and is seenV”’, recordedV”’, discussedV”’ and rememberedV”’.


デジタル文化の学者Sは, 私たちS”いつもカメラO”運ぶV”という事実S’は, 見られV”’て, 記録されV”’て, 議論されV”’て, 覚えられるまたはされうるV”’もの変えるV’ということ主張するV


常にカメラを持ち運ぶという事実によって, 見たり, 記録したり, 議論したり, 記憶されたりする可能性のある対象が変化すると, デジタル文化の学者は主張している。

Some photography scholars propose that camera phones and camera phone images have three social uses — to capture memories, to maintain relationships, and to express yourself.


Some photography scholarsS proposeV that camera phones and camera phone imagesS’ haveV’ three social usesO’to capture memories, to maintain relationships, and to express yourself.


いくつかの写真の学者Sは, カメラ電話とカメラ電話画像V’3つの社会的使用O’持つV’ということ提起するV。つまり, 記憶を捉えること, 関係を維持すること, あなた自身を表現すること


カメラ付き携帯やその写真は, 記憶の保持, 関係性の維持, 自己表現という3つの社会的役割を持つと主張する写真の研究者もいる。

In contrast, another scholar argues that the camera phone is no different from other portable image making devices and that the uses and meanings attributed to home videos in 1980s have been exactly the same — memory, communication and self-expression.

  • meanings (attributed to home videos)の部分は, attributedがmeaningsを後置修飾している。過去分詞なので一旦文の形に戻すと受動態となり, meaning was attributed to home videosとなる。これをさらに能動態に戻すと, someoneS attributedV meaningA toto homevideoBとなる。これは「ある人S意味AホームビデオBせいにするV, 意味Aの原因はホームビデオBだと考えるV」という意味なので, meanings (attributed to home videos)は「(ホームビデオに起因する)意味, (ホームビデオが持つ)意味」のように訳せる。

In contrast, another scholarS arguesV that the camera phoneS’ isV’ no differentC’ from other portable image making devices and that the uses and meaningsS” attributed to home videos in 1980s have beenV” exactly the sameC” — memory, communication and self-expression.


対照的に, 別の学者Sは, カメラ電話S’他のポータブル画像作成機器から全く違わないC’ということと, 1980年代のホームビデオのせいにされたような利用と意味S”正確に同じC”ということ主張するV。つまり, 記憶, コミュニケーション, 自己表現。


対照的に, カメラ付き携帯は持ち運び可能な画像作成装置と何ら変わりなく, 記憶, 意思疎通, 自己表現という, 1980年代にホームビデオが持っていた利用方法と意味は全く同様であると主張する学者もいる。

In this sense, the social function of photography seems to have remained despite the changes through various reconfigurations of technology and cultural imaginaries about it.


In this sense, the social functionS of photography seems to have remainedV despite the changes through various reconfigurations of technology and cultural imaginaries about it.


この意味で, 写真の社会的な機能Sは, テクノロジーの様々なreconfigurationそれについての文化的な想像を通じて変化にもかかわらず残り続けてきたようだV


この意味で, 技術の多様な変遷と文化的空想によって, 様々な変化を経験してきたが, それでも写真の持つ社会的機能はずっと変わっていないように思われる。


現在, 生徒募集中です。
この記事の解説がわかりやすいと感じた方は, 是非一度検討してみてください。

