京大英語 2023年度 第1問

  1. 問題
  2. 解説
    1. 第1段落
      1. Of course, one of the features of modern life, mostly thanks to the internet, is that we all have to constantly make choices about what to pay attention to — what to spend our time on, even if it is for just a few minutes.
      2. Many of us today have instant access to far more information than we can ever hope to process, which has meant that our average attention span is getting shorter.
      3. The more ‘stuff’ we have to think about and focus on, the less time we are able to devote to each particular thing.
      4. People are quick to blame the internet for this reduced attention span, but while social media certainly plays its part, it is not entirely to blame.
      5. This trend can be traced back to when our world first started to become connected early in the last century as technology gave us access to an ever-increasing amount of information.
    2. 第2段落
      1. Today we are exposed to twenty-four-hour breaking news and an exponential rise in the amount of produced and consumed information.
      2. As the number of different issues that form our collective public discourse continues to increase, the amount of time and attention we are able to devote to each one inevitably gets compressed.
      3. It isn’t that our total engagement with all this information is any less, but rather that as the information competing for our attention becomes denser our attention gets spread more thinly, with the result that public debate becomes increasingly fragmented and superficial.
      4. The more quickly we switch between topics, the more quickly we lose interest in the previous one.
      5. We then find ourselves increasingly engaging only with those subjects that interest us, leading us to become less broadly informed — and potentially less confident in evaluating information outside of the spheres with which we are most familiar.
    3. 第3段落
      1. I am not advocating that we should all devote more time and attention to every topic we encounter, whether we are exposed to information through our family, friends or work colleagues, or by reading books and magazines, the mainstream media, online or on social media, as that would be impossible.
      2. But we must learn how to discriminate between what is important, useful and interesting, what is deserving of our attention and time, and what is not.
      3. As Feynman so emphatically pointed out, in his response to the journalist’s request for a pithy summary of his Nobel Prize work, the topics we do choose to spend more time thinking about and digesting will inevitably require a certain level of commitment.
      4. In science, we know that to truly understand a subject requires time and effort.
      5. The reward is that concepts which may at first have seemed impenetrable turn out to be comprehensible, straightforward, sometimes even simple.
      6. At worst, we acknowledge that they are indeed complicated — not because we are unable to think them through thoroughly and make sense of them, but because they just are complicated.
    4. 第4段落
      1. So, this is the takeaway for us all in daily life.
      2. Do you need a PhD in climate science to know that recycling your rubbish is better for the planet than throwing it all in the ocean?
      3. Of course not.
      4. But taking some time to dig a little deeper into a subject and weighing up the evidence, the pros and cons about an issue, before making up your mind can help you make better decisions in the long run.
    5. 第5段落
      1. Most things in life are difficult to begin with.
      2. But, if you’re prepared to try, you can cope with far more than you imagine.


 次の文章を読み, 下線をほどこした部分(1)~(3)を和訳しなさい。

 Of course, one of the features of modern life, mostly thanks to the internet, is that we all have to constantly make choices about what to pay attention to — what to spend our time on, even if it is for just a few minutes. Many of us today have instant access to far more information than we can ever hope to process, which has meant that our average attention span is getting shorter. (1)The more ‘stuff’ we have to think about and focus on, the less time we are able to devote to each particular thing. People are quick to blame the internet for this reduced attention span, but while social media certainly plays its part, it is not entirely to blame. This trend can be traced back to when our world first started to become connected early in the last century as technology gave us access to an ever-increasing amount of information.
 Today we are exposed to twenty-four-hour breaking news and an exponential rise in the amount of produced and consumed information. As the number of different issues that form our collective public discourse continues to increase, the amount of time and attention we are able to devote to each one inevitably gets compressed. (2)It isn’t that our total engagement with all this information is any less, but rather that as the information competing for our attention becomes denser our attention gets spread more thinly, with the result that public debate becomes increasingly fragmented and superficial. The more quickly we switch between topics, the more quickly we lose interest in the previous one. We then find ourselves increasingly engaging only with those subjects that interest us, leading us to become less broadly informed — and potentially less confident in evaluating information outside of the spheres with which we are most familiar.
 I am not advocating that we should all devote more time and attention to every topic we encounter, whether we are exposed to information through our family, friends or work colleagues, or by reading books and magazines, the mainstream media, online or on social media, as that would be impossible. But we must learn how to discriminate between what is important, useful and interesting, what is deserving of our attention and time, and what is not. As Feynman so emphatically pointed out, in his response to the journalist’s request for a pithy summary of his Nobel Prize work, the topics we do choose to spend more time thinking about and digesting will inevitably require a certain level of commitment. In science, we know that to truly understand a subject requires time and effort. The reward is that concepts which may at first have seemed impenetrable turn out to be comprehensible, straightforward, sometimes even simple. At worst, we acknowledge that they are indeed complicated — not because we are unable to think them through thoroughly and make sense of them, but because they just are complicated.
 So, this is the takeaway for us all in daily life. Do you need a PhD in climate science to know that recycling your rubbish is better for the planet than throwing it all in the ocean? Of course not. (3)But taking some time to dig a little deeper into a subject and weighing up the evidence, the pros and cons about an issue, before making up your mind can help you make better decisions in the long run.
 Most things in life are difficult to begin with. But, if you’re prepared to try, you can cope with far more than you imagine.



Of course, one of the features of modern life, mostly thanks to the internet, is that we all have to constantly make choices about what to pay attention to — what to spend our time on, even if it is for just a few minutes.


Of course, oneS of the features of modern life, mostly thanks to the internet, isV that we allS’ have to constantly makeV’ choicesO’ about what to pay attention to — what to spend our time on, even if itS” isV” for just a few minutes.


もちろん, 大部分がインターネットのおかげである, 近代の生活の特徴の一つSは, 私たちすべてS’は, に注意を払うべきか, つまり, に私たちの時間を費やすべきかに関する選択O’コンスタントに作る必要があるV’ということだ。たとえもし, それS”たった数分の間でも


もちろん, 現代の生活の特徴の一つは, それは大部分がインターネットのおかげではあるが, 私たち誰もが, たとえ短い時間であっても, 何に注目し, 何に時間を費やすかを常に選択しなければならないということだと言えるだろう。

Many of us today have instant access to far more information than we can ever hope to process, which has meant that our average attention span is getting shorter.


Many of usS today haveV instant accessO to far more information than weS’ can ever hope to processV’, which has meantV” that our average attention spanS”’ is gettingV”’ shorterC”’.


私たちの多くS今日, 私たちS’かつて処理したいと望めるV’以上にずっとより多くの情報に対して即座のアクセスO持つVそしてそれは, 私たちの平均の注目スパンS”より短くC”’ なっているV”’ということ意味してきたV”


今日, 多くの人々は, 処理しきれないほど多くの情報をすぐに手に入れることができる。これは, それぞれの情報に注目する平均時間が短くなることを意味する。

The more ‘stuff’ we have to think about and focus on, the less time we are able to devote to each particular thing.

  • the + 比較級の構文を元の文に直すと, We have to think about and focus on the more ‘stuff’, we are able to devote the less time to each particular thing.となり, devote A to Bの形が見える。
  • 前半部分は, We have the more ‘stuff’ to think about and focus onと戻すこともできる。

The more ‘stuff’ weS’ have to think about and focus onV’, the less time weS are able to devoteV to each particular thing.


より多くの「物」を私たちS’考え注目しなければならないV’ほど, ますます少ない時間私たちSそれぞれの特有の物に対してささげることができるV


ますます多くの「モノ」を考慮したり注目したりする必要性が増すにつれて, それぞれ個別の事象に割ける時間がますます少なくなる。

People are quick to blame the internet for this reduced attention span, but while social media certainly plays its part, it is not entirely to blame.

  • 最初のbe quick to doや最後のit is not to doは知らなくてもよいが, 雰囲気で訳せるはず。
  • forはblame A for Bのfor。criticize A for B, praise A for B, apologize to A for Bのように, 根拠を述べるfor。

PeopleS1 are quick to blameV1 the internetO1 for this reduced attention span, but while social mediaS’ certainly playsV’ its partO’, itS2 is notV2 entirely to blame.


人々S1この減らされた注目スパンのことでインターネットO1非難するのに素早いV1が, ソーシャルメディアS’確かにその部分O’演じるV’一方で, それS2完全に責めるべきではないV2


このように注目できる期間が短くなってしまうのはインターネットのせいだと人々は早計に非難するが, 確かにソーシャルメディアはこの原因の一端を担っている一方で, 責任の全てがある訳ではない。

This trend can be traced back to when our world first started to become connected early in the last century as technology gave us access to an ever-increasing amount of information.


This trendS can be traced back toV when our worldS’ first started to become connectedV’ early in the last century as technologyS” gaveV” usO”1 accessO”2 to an ever-increasing amount of information.


このトレンドSは, 最近の世紀の初期に私たちの世界S’最初にconnectedになりはじめたV’ときにtrace back toされることができるVテクノロジーS”私たちO”1情報のeverに増加している量に対するアクセスO”2与えたV”ときに


この傾向は, 21世紀の初頭に, 技術によってかつてないほどの量の情報を得ることができるようになり, 世界がつながり始めた時にまでさかのぼることができる。


Today we are exposed to twenty-four-hour breaking news and an exponential rise in the amount of produced and consumed information.


Today weS are exposed toV twenty-four-hour breaking newsO and an exponential riseO in the amount of produced and consumed information.


今日, 私たちS24時間のブレーキングニュースOと, 生産されて消費される情報の量の中の指数的な上昇OさらされているV


今日では, 24時間常にニュース速報が入ってきて, 生産され消費される情報の量は飛躍的に増加している。

As the number of different issues that form our collective public discourse continues to increase, the amount of time and attention we are able to devote to each one inevitably gets compressed.

  • 接続詞のas(後ろにSVがある形)は適当に訳せばよいが, increaseのように変化を表す動詞がある場合は, 比例の意味(~につれて)であることが多い。

As the numberS’ of different issues that formV” our collective public discourseO” continues to increaseV’, the amountS of time and attention weS”’ are able to devoteV” to each one inevitably getsV compressedC.


私たちの集合的な公共の会話O”形作るV”ような異なる問題のS’増え続けるV’につれて, 私たちS”’それぞれに対して捧げられるV”’ような時間と注目のS避けられないほどにcompressedCなるV


世論を形成する異なる議題が増えるにつれて, それぞれに割くことができる時間や注目は, 必然的に少なくなる。

It isn’t that our total engagement with all this information is any less, but rather that as the information competing for our attention becomes denser our attention gets spread more thinly, with the result that public debate becomes increasingly fragmented and superficial.

  • It is not that SV「(前文を受けて)これはSVということではない」は, 直訳だが, よく出てくるので覚えておくとよい。
  • この文のasも, becomeという変化を表す動詞があるので, 「~につれて」と訳す。

ItS isn’tV that our total engagementS’ with all this information isV’ any lessC’, but rather that as the informationS”’ competing for our attention becomesV”’ denserC”’ our attentionS” getsV” spreadC” more thinly, with the result that public debateS”” becomesV”” increasingly fragmented and superficialC””.


それSは, すべてのこの情報とともに私たちの全ての関わりS’より少ないC’ということではない。むしろ, 私たちの注目に競争するような情報S”’より濃くC”’ なるV”’につれて, 私たちの注目S”より薄くspreadC”なるV”ということだ。公共の議論S””ますます分断されて表面的C””なるV””という結果とともに


これは, 全ての情報に関わる合計時間が減るというわけではない。そうではなくむしろ, 注意を引く情報の密度が濃くなるにつれて, 注意はより分散し浅くなる, ということである。その結果, 人々の議論はますます分断され, 表面的なものになる。

The more quickly we switch between topics, the more quickly we lose interest in the previous one.


The more quickly weS’ switchV’ between topics, the more quickly weS loseV interestO in the previous one.


ますます素早く私たちS’トピックの間をスイッチするV’につれて, ますます素早く私たちS前のそれの興味O失うV


素早く話題を切り替えるほど, 以前の話題に関する興味を失うのが早くなる。

We then find ourselves increasingly engaging only with those subjects that interest us, leading us to become less broadly informed — and potentially less confident in evaluating information outside of the spheres with which we are most familiar.


WeS then findV ourselvesO increasingly engaging only with those subjectsC that interestV’ usO’, leadingV” usO” to becometo do less broadly informed — and potentially less confident in evaluating information outside of the spheres with which weS”’ areV”’ most familiarC”’.


私たちSそれから私たちOますます私たちO’興味を引くV’ようなそれらの話題にのみ従事していることC気付くVそしてそれは, 私たちO”が, より広くinformedではないようになるようにto do V”く。そして, 私たちS”’最も精通しているC”’ような領域の外側の情報を評価するときに潜在的により自信のないように


ますます自分の興味を引く話題にだけしか関わらなくなる。その結果, 知識の幅が狭くなり, 自分が詳しい分野外の情報を評価する自信がなくなっていく。


I am not advocating that we should all devote more time and attention to every topic we encounter, whether we are exposed to information through our family, friends or work colleagues, or by reading books and magazines, the mainstream media, online or on social media, as that would be impossible.


IS am not advocatingV that weS’ should all devoteV’ more time and attentionO’ to every topic we encounter, whether weS” are exposed toV” informationO” through our family, friends or work colleagues, or by reading books and magazines, the mainstream media, online or on social media, as thatS”’ would beV”’ impossibleC”’.


S私たちが私たちが遭遇するすべてのトピックに対してより多くの時間と注目O’ささげるべきだV’ということ主張していないV私たちS”家族, 友達, 仕事の同僚を通じて, または本や雑誌を読むこと, 主流のメディア, オンラインやソーシャルメディアによって, 情報O”さらされてV”もそうでなくてもあれS”’不可能C”’あろうV”’から


情報源が家族, 友人, 同僚であれ, 本や雑誌, 主要メディア, オンラインメディアやソーシャルメディアであれ, 全ての話題により多くの時間と注目を割くべきだと主張しているわけではない。そんなことは不可能だからだ。

But we must learn how to discriminate between what is important, useful and interesting, what is deserving of our attention and time, and what is not.


But weS must learnV how to discriminateO between what is important, useful and interesting, what is deserving of our attention and time, and what is not.


しかし, 私たちSは, が大切で有用で興味深いかということ, が私たちの注目と時間の価値があるかということ, がそうでないかということの間で差別する方法O学ぶ必要があるV


そうではなく, 重要で利用価値があって興味深いもの, つまり注目と時間を割く価値のあるものと, そうではないものを区別する方法を学ぶべきである。

As Feynman so emphatically pointed out, in his response to the journalist’s request for a pithy summary of his Nobel Prize work, the topics we do choose to spend more time thinking about and digesting will inevitably require a certain level of commitment.

  • pithyは知らなくてよい。

As FeynmanS’ so emphatically pointed outV’, in his response to the journalist’s request for a pithy summary of his Nobel Prize work, the topicsS weS” do chooseV” to spendspend more timeo thinking about and digestingdoing will inevitably requireV a certain levelO of commitment.


FeynmanS’とてもemphaticallyに指摘したV’ように, 彼のノーベル賞の作品のpithyなまとめにとってのジャーナリストの要求に対する彼の反応の中で, 私たちS”考えて消化するdoingのにより多くの時間o費やすspendために実際に選ぶV”ようなトピックSは, 避けられない程にcommitmentのあるレベルO要求するだろうV


ファインマンがジャーナリストに, 自分のノーベル賞の成果について簡潔にまとめてほしいという要求に対して, 強調して指摘した通り, 深く考えることに多くの時間を割くことを選んだ話題には, 必然的にある程度専念することが必要である。

In science, we know that to truly understand a subject requires time and effort.


In science, weS knowV that to truly understand a subjectS’ requiresV’ time and effortO’.


科学の中で, 私たちS本当に話題を理解することS’時間と努力O’必要とするV’ということ知るV


科学において, ある話題を本当に理解するためには, 時間と努力を要するということを, 私たちは知っている。

The reward is that concepts which may at first have seemed impenetrable turn out to be comprehensible, straightforward, sometimes even simple.


The rewardS isV that conceptsS’ which may at first have seemedV” impenetrableC” turn out to beV’ comprehensible, straightforward, sometimes even simpleC’.


報酬Sは, 初めはinpemetrableC”だと思われていたV”ような概念S’が, 理解可能で, straightforwardで, 時々シンプルにさえC’ 判明するV’ということだ。


その報いとして, 初めは全く分からないと思っていた概念が, 理解可能で, 素直で, 時には非常に単純であるとさえ判明する。

At worst, we acknowledge that they are indeed complicated — not because we are unable to think them through thoroughly and make sense of them, but because they just are complicated.

  • through thoroughlyの部分は, 前置詞+副詞はセットにならないので, think through Aという熟語のAが代名詞になってthink A throughという語順になったと判断する。
  • make senseは自動詞で「意味が通る, 理にかなう」が頻出であるが, make sense of Aの形になっていても他動詞的に適当に訳せるはず。「Aを理解する」。

At worst, weS acknowledgeV that theyS’ areV’ indeed complicatedC’ — not because weS” are unable to thinkV” themO” throughV” thoroughly and make sense ofV” themO”, but because theyS”’ just areV”’ complicatedC”’.


最悪の点で, 私たちSそれらS’確かに複雑だC’ということ認めるV私たちS”それらO”徹底的にthink throughできなくV”それらO”理解できないV”からではなく, それらS”’ただ複雑でC”’あるから


最悪の場合, 確かに複雑であると認めることになる。しかしそれは, 徹底的に考えることができなくて理解できなかったのではなく, 実際に複雑であるからだ。


So, this is the takeaway for us all in daily life.

  • takeawayは知らなくてよい。

So, thisS isV the takeawayC for us all in daily life.


だから, これS日常生活の中で私たちすべてにとってtakeawayCだ。


したがってこれは, 日常生活において全員に役立つ教訓である。

Do you need a PhD in climate science to know that recycling your rubbish is better for the planet than throwing it all in the ocean?


Do youS needV a PhDO in climate science to know that recycling your rubbishS’ isV’ betterC’ for the planet than throwing it all in the ocean?


あなたSは, あなたのごみをリサイクルすることS’は, それをすべて海の中に投げることよりも惑星のためにより良いC’ということを知るために, 気候科学の中のPhDO必要Vか?


ごみをリサイクルすることは, 海に投棄するよりも地球にとって良いことだと知るために, 気候科学の博士号が必要であろうか?

Of course not.



But taking some time to dig a little deeper into a subject and weighing up the evidence, the pros and cons about an issue, before making up your mind can help you make better decisions in the long run.


But taking some timeS1 to dig a little deeper into a subject and weighing up the evidence, the pros and consS2 about an issue, before making up your mind can helpV youO make better decisionsdo in the long run.


しかし, 話題の中へ少しより深く掘るためにいくつかの時間を取ることS1や, 問題について証拠や良い点と悪い点をweigh upすることS2は, あなたの心を決める前に, あなたO長い目で見るとより良い決断をすることdo手助けできるV


しかし, 何かを決心する前に, 時間を取って話題を少し掘り下げたり, 証拠, 利点や欠点, 問題点などを比較検討することによって, 長期的に見てより良い決断をする手助けとなるだろう。


Most things in life are difficult to begin with.


Most thingsS in life areV difficultC to begin with.


生活の中のほとんどの物Sは, 始めるのに難しいC


人生における多くの物事は, 始めるのが難しい。

But, if you’re prepared to try, you can cope with far more than you imagine.


But, if you’reS’ prepared to tryV’, youS can cope withV far moreO than you imagine.


しかし, もしあなたS’トライする準備をされているV’なら, あなたSあなたが想像するよりもずっと多くのことO対処できるV


しかし, 挑戦する準備ができているなら, 想像よりもずっと多くの物事に関わることができる。


現在, 生徒募集中です。
この記事の解説がわかりやすいと感じた方は, 是非一度検討してみてください。

