京大英語 2018年度 第2問

  1. 問題
  2. 解説
    1. 第1段落
      1. Regardless of whether asteroids and comets supplied Earth with the water currently held in its oceans, it is clear that they contain significant quantities of rather useful materials.
      2. In a future where the demands on Earthbound resources could outweigh what is producible, asteroids and comets may prove essential.
    2. 第2段落
      1. By rendezvousing and landing on comets and asteroids (things that we’ve already done), we can do several major things.
      2. First, we’ll be able to alter their orbits.
      3. Should we find one on a collision course with Earth, we could subtly push it a little in order to make sure it misses.
      4. Caught early enough, the changes in the orbit needed for it to miss Earth are relatively minor.
      5. Alternatively, should we find one with enough interesting materials to make it worth exploiting, we could alter its orbit so it moves into a new, stable orbit around Earth or the moon.
      6. This would cut down on the amount of commuting necessary to bring the collected resources back to Earth.
      7. Second, whether the object is left on its original orbit or put into orbit around Earth or the moon, we’ll still be able to process the materials in their usual places to produce fuel in space and, perhaps, supply other demands back on Earth.
      8. An asteroid or comet could become the first space-based service station and provide water, fuel, and building materials.
    3. 第3段落
      1. However, how do we find them, how do we know we’ve found them all, how do we calculate their orbits, how do we know if they pose an impact threat, and how do we know what they are made of?
    4. 第4段落
      1. The ones that we are very interested in are the so-called Near-Earth Objects (NEOs).
      2. Finding them takes either patience or luck.
      3. Asteroids are mainly contained to within a few degrees of the plane of the solar system, much like the planets, but comets could come from any direction.
      4. They could also be moving really quickly.
      5. This makes it challenging to rendezvous with one and perhaps modify its trajectory enough to somehow make it safe.
    5. 第5段落
      1. Regardless of the challenge, the only way we are going to find them is if we monitor the whole sky for their signatures: faint pinpoints of light moving against the background stars.
      2. Somewhat like the planets themselves, NEOs look like faint wandering stars.
    6. 第6段落
      1. The surfaces of both asteroids and comets can be quite dark, so they typically don’t reflect much light.
      2. This makes them very faint and means that, unless we are using a really big telescope that collects a lot of light, we simply may not spot them all.
      3. However, there are NEO search programs funded by NASA that network underutilized small telescopes.
      4. These telescopes generally have large fields of view for maximizing the areas of sky that can be monitored, but they still struggle to detect the really faint objects that have diameters below one hundred meters.
      5. On top of all that, these telescopes are only used for NEO hunting a fraction of the available time when perhaps they should be entirely dedicated to it.


 次の文章を読み, 下の設問(1)~(3)に答えなさい。

 Regardless of whether asteroids* and comets supplied Earth with the water currently held in its oceans, it is clear that they contain significant quantities of rather useful materials. In a future where the demands on Earthbound resources could outweigh what is producible, asteroids and comets may prove essential.
 By rendezvousing and landing on comets and asteroids (things that we’ve already done), we can do (a)several major things. First, we’ll be able to alter their orbits. Should we find one on a collision course with Earth, we could subtly push it a little in order to make sure it misses. Caught early enough, the changes in the orbit needed for it to miss Earth are relatively minor. Alternatively, should we find one with enough interesting materials to make it worth exploiting, we could alter its orbit so it moves into a new, stable orbit around Earth or the moon. This would cut down on the amount of commuting necessary to bring the collected resources back to Earth. Second, whether the object is left on its original orbit or put into orbit around Earth or the moon, we’ll still be able to process the materials in their usual places to produce fuel in space and, perhaps, supply other demands back on Earth. An asteroid or comet could become the first space-based service station and provide water, fuel, and building materials.
 Both orbital modification of asteroids and comets, and the mining of materials from them, are achievable goals. However, how do we find them, how do we know we’ve found them all, how do we calculate their orbits, how do we know if they pose an impact threat, and how do we know what they are made of?
 The ones that we are very interested in are the so-called Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). (b)Finding them takes either patience or luck. Asteroids are mainly contained to within a few degrees of the plane of the solar system, much like the planets, but comets could come from any direction. They could also be moving really quickly. This makes it challenging to rendezvous with one and perhaps modify its trajectory enough to somehow make it safe.
 Regardless of the challenge, the only way we are going to find them is if we monitor the whole sky for their signatures: faint pinpoints of light moving against the background stars. Somewhat like the planets themselves, NEOs look like faint wandering stars.
 The surfaces of both asteroids and comets can be quite dark, so they typically don’t reflect much light. This makes them very faint and means that, unless we are using a really big telescope that collects a lot of light, we simply may not spot them all. (c)However, there are NEO search programs funded by NASA that network underutilized small telescopes. These telescopes generally have large fields of view for maximizing the areas of sky that can be monitored, but they still struggle to detect the really faint objects that have diameters below one hundred meters. On top of all that, these telescopes are only used for NEO hunting a fraction of the available time when perhaps they should be entirely dedicated to it.

*asteroid: one of the many small planets that move around the Sun, especially between Mars and Jupiter

(1) 下線部(a)の内容を本文に即して日本語で説明しなさい。解答欄におさまる長さにすること。

(2) 下線部(b)を和訳しなさい。

(3) 下線部(c)を和訳しなさい。



Regardless of whether asteroids and comets supplied Earth with the water currently held in its oceans, it is clear that they contain significant quantities of rather useful materials.

  • supply A with B = supply B for A「AにBを与える」
  • asteroidは注釈があるが, 注釈が無くてもよく出るので「小惑星」と訳せるようにしておく。

Regardless of whether asteroids and cometsS’ suppliedV’ EarthA withwith the waterB currently held in its oceans, itS isV clearC that theyS” containV” significant quantitiesO” of rather useful materials.


小惑星とコメットS’が, 地球Aに, その海の中に最近開かれたB供給したV’かどうかということに関わらず, それらS”かなり有用な材料の重要な量O”含むV”ということ明白Cだ。


小惑星や彗星によって地球の海に現存する水がもたらされたかどうかはわからないが, それらには非常に有用な資源が豊富に含まれているということは明らかだ。

In a future where the demands on Earthbound resources could outweigh what is producible, asteroids and comets may prove essential.


In a future where the demandsS’ on Earthbound resources could outweighV’ what isV” producibleC”, asteroids and cometsS may proveV essentialC.


Earthboundな資源の上の需要S’生産可能C”なものoutweightできうるV’ような未来の中で, 小惑星とコメットS本質的Cだと分かるかもしれないV


地球上で必要とされる資源量が生産可能量を超えるかもしれない将来, 小惑星と彗星が必要不可欠だと判明するかもしれない。


By rendezvousing and landing on comets and asteroids (things that we’ve already done), we can do several major things.

  • randezvousは知らないしこの文からは推測できないので, 後ろの文も見ながら適当に訳す。

By rendezvousing and landing on comets and asteroids (things that we’ve already done), weS can doV several major thingsO.


コメットと小惑星をrendezvousしたり着陸することによって(私たちがすでにしてきたこと), 私たちSいくつかの主要なことOできるV


彗星や小惑星と接近したりそれらに着陸することで, (それらは既にやってきたことだが), いくつかの大きなことを行うことができる。

First, we’ll be able to alter their orbits.


First, we’llS be able to alterV their orbitsO.


最初に, 私たちSそれらの軌道O変えられるだろうV


まず, 軌道を変えることができるだろう。

Should we find one on a collision course with Earth, we could subtly push it a little in order to make sure it misses.


Should weS’ findV’ oneO’ on a collision course with Earth, weS could subtly pushV itO a little in order to make sure itS” missesV”.


もし私たちS’地球と衝突コースの上でそれO’見つけるV’ならば, 私たちSそれS”ミスするV”ということを確認するために, それO少し微妙に押せるだろうV


地球と衝突する軌道上に小惑星や彗星を発見した場合, 確実に軌道が逸れるように, それらに少しだけ力を加えることができるだろう。

Caught early enough, the changes in the orbit needed for it to miss Earth are relatively minor.

  • 最初のコンマまでは, beingが省略された分詞構文なので, 前後を訳してから, 途中の接続詞は適当に決める。今回は, 「早く見つけられる→ならば→変化は少ない」という流れ。

CaughtV’ early enough, the changesS in the orbit needed for it to miss Earth areV relatively minorC.




そのような小惑星や彗星が十分早く発見されれば, 地球から軌道を逸らすのに必要な変更は比較的小さいだろう。

Alternatively, should we find one with enough interesting materials to make it worth exploiting, we could alter its orbit so it moves into a new, stable orbit around Earth or the moon.

  • S V so S’ V’はS V so that S’ V’のthatが省略された形で, 「S’ V’するようにS Vする」

Alternatively, should weS’ findV’ oneO’ with enough interesting materials to makemake ito worth exploitingc, weS could alterV its orbitO so itS” movesV” into a new, stable orbit around Earth or the moon.


別に, もし私たちS’それo活用する価値があるcものにするmakeための十分興味深い材料とともにそれO’見つけるV’ならば, それS”地球や月のまわりの新しくて安定した軌道の中へ動くV”ように, 私たちSその軌道O変えられるだろうV


もしくは, もし利用価値があるほど有用な資源を持った小惑星や彗星を見つけたら, その軌道を変更して, 地球や月のまわりの新しい安定軌道に移動させることができるだろう。

This would cut down on the amount of commuting necessary to bring the collected resources back to Earth.

  • necessary以下は名詞を後ろから修飾している。

ThisS would cut down onV the amount of commutingO necessary to bringbring the collected resourceso1 back to Eartho2.


これSは, 集められた資源o1back to Eartho2持ってくるbringために必要な通勤の量Ocut down onするだろうV


これにより, そこで採集される資源を地球に持ち帰るのに必要な移動量を削減できるだろう。

Second, whether the object is left on its original orbit or put into orbit around Earth or the moon, we’ll still be able to process the materials in their usual places to produce fuel in space and, perhaps, supply other demands back on Earth.

  • supplyの並列は, 一番近いproduceと並列が原則だが, 文脈からprocessと並列と判断した。

Second, whether the objectS’ is leftV’1 on its original orbit or putV’2 into orbit around Earth or the moon, we’llS still be able to processV1 the materialsO1 in their usual places to produce fuel in space and, perhaps, supplyV2 other demandsO2 back on Earth.


次に, その物体S’その元の軌道の上で残されるV’1としても地球や月のまわりの軌道の中へ置かれるV’2としても, 私たちSいまだに, 宇宙の中で燃料を生産するためにそれらの普通の場所の中で材料O1処理することができV1, そして, おそらく, back on Earthに他の需要O2供給することができるだろうV2


次に, 小惑星や彗星が元の軌道のままであろうと地球や月のまわりの軌道に移動させられようと, どちらにせよ宇宙空間で使う燃料を作るためにその場で原料を加工することができ, さらに地球へ原料を持ち帰って他の需要を満たすこともできるかもしれない。

An asteroid or comet could become the first space-based service station and provide water, fuel, and building materials.


An asteroid or cometS could becomeV1 the first space-based service stationC1 and provideV2 water, fuel, and building materialsO2.


小惑星とコメットSは, 最初のspace-basedのサービスステーションC1なりV1, 水, 燃料, 建設する材料O2供給することができるV2


小惑星と彗星は, 宇宙にある最初の補充地になって, 水や燃料や建設素材を供給することもできるだろう。



Bothboth orbital modificationA of asteroids and comets, andand the miningB of materials from them, areV achievable goalsC.


小惑星とコメットの軌道の修正Aと, それらからの材料のマイニングBどちらもboth, 達成可能なゴールCだ。


小惑星や彗星の軌道を修正することと, それらから資源を採取することは, どちらも達成可能な目標である。

However, how do we find them, how do we know we’ve found them all, how do we calculate their orbits, how do we know if they pose an impact threat, and how do we know what they are made of?


However, how do weS1 findV1 themO1, how do weS2 knowV2 we’veS’ foundV’ themO’ all, how do weS3 calculateV3 their orbitsO3, how do weS4 knowV4 if theyS” poseV” an impact threatO”, and how do weS5 knowV5 what theyS”’ are made ofV”’?


しかし, どのように私たちS1それらO1見つけV1て, どのように私たちS2私たちS’それらO’すべて見つけてきたV’ということ知っV2て, どのように私たちS3それらの軌道O3計算しV3て, どのように私たちS4それらS”インパクトの脅威O”提起するV”かどうか知っV4て, どのように私たちS5何からそれS”’作られるV”’のかということ知るV5のか?


しかし, どのように, 小惑星や彗星を見つけ, 全て見つけたと分かり, 軌道を計算し, どれほどの影響を及ぼすのかを確認し, 何から出来ているかを知るのか?


The ones that we are very interested in are the so-called Near-Earth Objects (NEOs).


The onesS that weS’ areV’ very interested inC areV the so-called Near-Earth Objects NEOsC.


私たちS’とても興味があるV’ようなそれSは, いわゆる地球に近い物体NEOsCだ。


私たちが強く興味を持っているものは, いわゆる地球近傍天体(NEO)とよばれるものだ。

Finding them takes either patience or luck.


Finding themS takesV either patience or luckO.


それらを見つけることSは, 忍耐か運のどちらかOtakeするV


それらを見つけるためには, 忍耐力か幸運のどちらかが必要だ。

Asteroids are mainly contained to within a few degrees of the plane of the solar system, much like the planets, but comets could come from any direction.


AsteroidsS1 are mainly containedV1 to within a few degrees of the plane of the solar system, much like the planets, but cometsS2 could comeV2 from any direction.


小惑星S1主にソーラーシステムの平面の少しの度の中までに含まれるS1, 非常に惑星のように, しかし, コメットS2任意の方向から来うるV2


小惑星は, 惑星とほとんど同様に, 主に太陽系を含む平面から数度ずれたところ以内には存在するが, 彗星は, どんな方向からも飛んでくる可能性がある。

They could also be moving really quickly.


TheyS could also be movingV really quickly.




それらはまた, 非常に素早く動いている可能性もある。

This makes it challenging to rendezvous with one and perhaps modify its trajectory enough to somehow make it safe.

  • trajectoryは知らなくてよい。

ThisS makesV itO challengingC to rendezvous with one and perhaps modify its trajectory enough to somehow make it safe.


これSは, それとともにrendezvousすることや, おそらくそれをなんとかして安全にするために十分なほど, そのtrajectoryを修正すること困難CするV


このことが理由で, 小惑星や彗星に接近したり, 場合によってはその軌道を修正してどうにか安全な状態にすることも, 難しくなる。


Regardless of the challenge, the only way we are going to find them is if we monitor the whole sky for their signatures: faint pinpoints of light moving against the background stars.


Regardless of the challenge, the only wayS weS’ are going to findV’ themO’ isV if weS” monitorV” the whole skyO” for their signatures: faint pinpoints of light moving against the background stars.


チャレンジに関わらず, 私たちS’それらO’見つける予定V’であるような唯一の方法Sは, 私たちS”それらの署名を求めて空全体O”モニターするV”かどうかということだ。背景の星に対して光が動くことのかすかなピンポイント


このような困難はあるが, それらを発見する唯一の方法は, それらが発する特徴, つまり, 空に固定された星に対して動くかすかな光の点を観測することだ。

Somewhat like the planets themselves, NEOs look like faint wandering stars.


Somewhat like the planets themselves, NEOsS look likeV faint wandering starsC.


多少惑星そのもののように, NEOsSかすかな歩き回る星C見えるV


惑星そのものとも少し似ているが, NEOはかすかに見える, 動きまわる星に似ている。


The surfaces of both asteroids and comets can be quite dark, so they typically don’t reflect much light.


The surfacesS1 of both asteroids and comets can beV1 quite darkC1, so theyS2 typically don’t reflectV2 much lightO2.


小惑星とコメット両方の表面S1かなり暗いC1可能性があるV1ので, それらS2典型的に多くの光O2反射しないV2


小惑星と彗星は, どちらも表面が非常に薄暗い色をしている可能性があるので, 普通はそれほど光を反射しない。

This makes them very faint and means that, unless we are using a really big telescope that collects a lot of light, we simply may not spot them all.


ThisS makesV1 themO1 very faintC1 and meansV2 that, unless weS” are usingV” a really big telescopeO” that collectsV”’ a lot of lightO”’, weS’ simply may not spotV’ themO’ all.


これSそれらO1とてもかすかC1してV1, 私たちS”多くの光O”’集めるV”’ような本当に大きな望遠鏡O”使わV”ない限り, 私たちS’単にそれらO’すべてスポットできないかもしれないV’ということ意味するV2


だからこそそれらは非常に見えにくく, 多量の光を取り込むとても大きな望遠鏡を使わないと, 全てを観測することは到底出来ないだろう。

However, there are NEO search programs funded by NASA that network underutilized small telescopes.

  • estimate「評価する」→underestimate「過小評価する」のように, 動詞にunderが付くと逆の意味になることが多い。utilize「活用する」から, underutilize「あまり活用しない」くらいで考える。
  • 後ろのthat節は, networkの品詞が不明だが, network(S) underutilized(V) small telescopes(O)とすると, 節内が完全文となり同格のthatを取れる名詞につくことになる。また, 意味的にもいまいちよくわからない。よって, networkを動詞として, that節はprogramsを修飾する関係代名詞節と判断する。

However, there areV NEO search programsS funded by NASA that networkV’ underutilized small telescopesO’.


しかし, underutilizeされた小さな望遠鏡O’networkするV’ような, NASAによって投資されたNEOサーチプログラムSあるV


しかし, NASAが投資している, あまり活用されていない小さな望遠鏡をネットワークでつなぐ, NEO探索計画なるものがある。

These telescopes generally have large fields of view for maximizing the areas of sky that can be monitored, but they still struggle to detect the really faint objects that have diameters below one hundred meters.


These telescopesS1 generally haveV1 large fieldsO1 of view for maximizing the areas of sky that can be monitoredV’, but theyS2 still struggle to detectV2 the really faint objectsO2 that haveV” diametersO” below one hundred meters.


これらの望遠鏡S1一般的に監視されうるV’ような空のエリアを最大化するための視野の大きな平野O1持つV1が, それらS2いまだに100メートルの下の直径O”持つV”ような本当にかすかな物体O2探知するのに奮闘するV2


これらの望遠鏡は普通, 観測できる空の範囲を最大化するために, 広い視野を持っているが, それでもなお, 直径100メートル以下の非常にかすかな物体を見つけるのに苦戦している。

On top of all that, these telescopes are only used for NEO hunting a fraction of the available time when perhaps they should be entirely dedicated to it.

  • a fraction of the available timeの部分は, 名詞が浮いているように見えるが, 時間を表す副詞句。I run yesterdayのyesterdayなどと同じ。

On top of all that, these telescopesS are only usedV for NEO hunting a fraction of the available time when perhaps theyS’ should be entirely dedicated toV’ itO’.


それらすべての頂上の上で, これらの望遠鏡Sは, おそらくそれらS’それO’完全に専念すべきV’ときに, 利用可能な時間の一部にNEOハンティングのためにのみ使われるV


そしてなによりも, これらの望遠鏡がNEO探索に完全に使われるべきと思われるときにも, その時間のうちほんの一部の間しか使われていない。


現在, 生徒募集中です。
この記事の解説がわかりやすいと感じた方は, 是非一度検討してみてください。

