京大英語 2022年度 第1問

  1. 問題
  2. 解説
    1. 第1段落
      1. That man should have dominion “over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth,” is a prophecy that has hardened into fact.
      2. Choose just about any metric you want and it tells the same story.
      3. People have, by now, directly transformed more than half the ice-free land on earth — some twenty-seven million square miles — and indirectly half of what remains.
      4. We have dammed or diverted most of the world’s major rivers.
      5. Our fertilizer plants and legume crops fix more nitrogen than all terrestrial ecosystems combined, and our planes, cars, and power stations emit about a hundred times more carbon dioxide than volcanoes do.
      6. In terms of sheer biomass, the numbers are stark-staring: today people outweigh wild mammals by a ratio of more than eight to one.
      7. Add in the weight of our domesticated animals — mostly cows and pigs — and that ratio climbs to twenty-two to one.
      8. “In fact,” as a recent paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences observed, “humans and livestock outweigh all vertebrates combined, with the exception of fish.”
      9. We have become the major driver of extinction and also, probably, of creation of species.
      10. So pervasive is man’s impact, it is said that we live in a new geological epoch — the Anthropocene.
      11. In the age of man, there is nowhere to go, and this includes the deepest trenches of the oceans and the middle of the Antarctic ice sheet, that does not already bear our Friday-like footprints.
    2. 第2段落
      1. An obvious lesson to draw from this turn of events is: be careful what you wish for.
      2. Atmospheric warming, ocean warming, ocean acidification, sea-level rise, deglaciation, desertification, eutrophication — these are just some of the by-products of our species’s success.
      3. Such is the pace of what is blandly labeled “global change” that there are only a handful of comparable examples in earth’s history, the most recent being the asteroid impact that ended the reign of the dinosaurs, sixty-six million years ago.
      4. Humans are producing no-analog climates, no-analog ecosystems, a whole no-analog future.
      5. At this point it might be prudent to scale back our commitments and reduce our impacts.
      6. But there are so many of us — as of this writing nearly eight billion — and we are stepped in so far, return seems impracticable.
    3. 第3段落
      1. And so we face a no-analog predicament.
      2. If there is to be an answer to the problem of control, it’s going to be more control.
      3. Only now what’s got to be managed is not a nature that exists — or is imagined to exist — apart from the human.
      4. Instead, the new effort begins with a planet remade and spirals back on itself — not so much the control of nature as the control of the control of nature.


 次の文章を読み, 下の設問(1)~(3)に答えなさい。

 That man should have dominion “over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth,” is a prophecy that has hardened into fact. Choose just about any metric you want and it tells the same story. People have, by now, directly transformed more than half the ice-free land on earth — some twenty-seven million square miles — and indirectly half of what remains. We have dammed or diverted most of the world’s major rivers. Our fertilizer plants and legume crops fix more nitrogen than all terrestrial ecosystems combined, and our planes, cars, and power stations emit about a hundred times more carbon dioxide than volcanoes do. In terms of sheer biomass, the numbers are stark-staring: today people outweigh wild mammals by a ratio of more than eight to one. Add in the weight of our domesticated animals — mostly cows and pigs — and that ratio climbs to twenty-two to one. “In fact,” as a recent paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences observed, “humans and livestock outweigh all vertebrates combined, with the exception of fish.” We have become the major driver of extinction and also, probably, of creation of species. So pervasive is man’s impact, it is said that we live in a new geological epoch — (a)the Anthropocene. In the age of man, there is nowhere to go, and this includes the deepest trenches of the oceans and the middle of the Antarctic ice sheet, that does not already bear our Friday-like* footprints.
 An obvious lesson to draw from this turn of events is: be careful what you wish for. Atmospheric warming, ocean warming, ocean acidification, sea-level rise, deglaciation, desertification, eutrophication — these are just some of the by-products of our species’s success. (b)Such is the pace of what is blandly labeled “global change” that there are only a handful of comparable examples in earth’s history, the most recent being the asteroid impact that ended the reign of the dinosaurs, sixty-six million years ago. Humans are producing no-analog climates, no-analog ecosystems, a whole no-analog future. At this point it might be prudent to scale back our commitments and reduce our impacts. But there are so many of us — as of this writing nearly eight billion — and we are stepped in so far, return seems impracticable.
 And so we face a no-analog predicament. (c)If there is to be an answer to the problem of control, it’s going to be more control. Only now what’s got to be managed is not a nature that exists — or is imagined to exist — apart from the human. Instead, the new effort begins with a planet remade and spirals back on itself — not so much the control of nature as the control of the control of nature.

*Friday-like: Friday is the name of a character in Daniel Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe (1719).

(1) 下線部(a)the Anthropoceneについて, 本文に即して日本語で説明しなさい。ただし, 本文中に列挙された具体的な特徴から4つを選んで解答に含めること。

(2) 下線部(b)を和訳しなさい。

(3) 下線部(c)を和訳しなさい。



That man should have dominion “over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth,” is a prophecy that has hardened into fact.

  • いきなり単語が難しいので, 分からないところは適当に訳して, 後で考える。

That manS’ should have dominionV’ over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth uponV” the earthO”,” isV a prophecyC that has hardenedV”’ into fact.


S’すべての地球の上で, そして地球O”creepeth uponするV”ようなすべてのcreepする物の上で, 支配をもつべきV’だということは, 事実の中へhardenされてきたV”’ようなprophecyCだ。


人間が, 「あらゆる大地, および地を這う全ての物に対して」支配権を持つだろうということは, 事実となった予言である。

Choose just about any metric you want and it tells the same story.

  • 「命令文, and」の構文。

Choose just aboutV1 any metricO2 youS’ wantV’ and itS2 tellsV2 the same storyO2.




どんな基準を選んでみても, 同じようなことが言える。

People have, by now, directly transformed more than half the ice-free land on earth — some twenty-seven million square miles — and indirectly half of what remains.


PeopleS haveV, by now, directly transformedV more than half the ice-free landO on earth — some twenty-seven million square miles — and indirectly half of what remainsO.


人々Sは, 今まで, 地球の上のアイスフリーな土地の半分以上O直接的に変えてきVて, つまり約2700万平方メートル, 残っているものの半分O間接的に


人間はこれまで, 地球上の凍っていない土地の半分以上, つまり約2700万平方メートルを直接的に, 残りの土地を間接的に, 変貌させてきた。

We have dammed or diverted most of the world’s major rivers.


WeS have dammed or divertedV mostO of the world’s major rivers.


私たちSは, 世界の主要な川のほとんどOdamしたりdivertしてきたV


世界の主要な川のほとんどを, ダムでせき止めたり, 流路をそらしたりしてきた。

Our fertilizer plants and legume crops fix more nitrogen than all terrestrial ecosystems combined, and our planes, cars, and power stations emit about a hundred times more carbon dioxide than volcanoes do.


Our fertilizer plants and legume cropsS1 fixV1 more nitrogenO1 than all terrestrial ecosystems combined, and our planes, cars, and power stationsS2 emitV2 about a hundred times more carbon dioxideO2 than volcanoes do.


私たちの肥料植物やlegumeの作物S1は, 結合されたすべてのterrestrialな生態系よりもより多くの窒素O1固定しV1て, 私たちの飛行機, 車, パワーステーションS2は, 火山がするよりも約100倍の二酸化炭素O2排出するV2


肥料工場やマメ科の作物は, 陸上の生態系をすべて合わせたとしてもそれらを上回る量の窒素を固定し, 飛行機や車や発電所は, 火山が排出するよりも約100倍もの量の二酸化炭素を排出する。

In terms of sheer biomass, the numbers are stark-staring: today people outweigh wild mammals by a ratio of more than eight to one.

  • biomassは「バイオマス」でもよいが, bio「生物の」+mass「質量」より考えてもよい。

In terms of sheer biomass, the numbersS1 areV1 stark-staringC1: today peopleS2 outweighV2 wild mammalsO2 by a ratio of more than eight to one.


真のバイオマスの観点から, その数S1stark-staringC1だ。今日, 人々S28対1以上の割合によって野生の哺乳類O2outweighするV2


純粋な生物量の観点からすると, その数は尋常ではない。今日, 人間の総質量は, 野生の哺乳類の総質量の8倍以上ある。

Add in the weight of our domesticated animals — mostly cows and pigs — and that ratio climbs to twenty-two to one.

  • 「命令文, and」の構文。

AddV1 in the weight of our domesticated animals — mostly cows and pigs — and that ratioS2 climbsV2 to twenty-two to one.




主に牛や豚のような家畜を総質量に加えると, その割合は22倍にまで達する。

“In fact,” as a recent paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences observed, “humans and livestock outweigh all vertebrates combined, with the exception of fish.”


In fact,as a recent paperS’ in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences observedV’,humans and livestockS outweighV all vertebratesO combined, with the exception of fish.”


実は, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesの中の最近の論文S’述べたV’ように, 人間とlivestockSは, 魚の例外とともに, 結合されたすべての脊椎動物OoutweighするV。」


『米国科学アカデミー紀要』の最近の論文が指摘したように, 「実際, 人間とその家畜の総重量は, 魚を除いたすべての脊椎動物を合わせた総重量よりも重い。」

We have become the major driver of extinction and also, probably, of creation of species.


WeS have becomeV the major driverO of extinction and also, probably, of creation of species.


私たちS絶滅, そしてまた, おそらく, 種の創造主要なドライバーOなってきたV


人間は, 種の絶滅を引き起こす主な原因となってしまった。そしておそらく, 種の創造も引き起こしてきた。

So pervasive is man’s impact, it is said that we live in a new geological epoch — the Anthropocene.

  • pervasive「普及している」はやや難単語だが覚えておきたい。

So pervasiveC’ isV’ man’s impactS’, itS is saidV that weS” live inV” a new geological epochO” — the Anthropocene.


人間のインパクトS’とてもpervasiveC’私たちS”新しい地質の時代O”, つまりAnthropoceneに生きるV”ということ言われるV


人間の影響が非常に広範囲に及んでいるので, 現在我々は新しい地質時代を生きていると言える。その時代とは, 人新世である。

In the age of man, there is nowhere to go, and this includes the deepest trenches of the oceans and the middle of the Antarctic ice sheet, that does not already bear our Friday-like footprints.

  • 「, that」は, 「, which」と同じように, そこで一旦区切って, 「そしてそれは, 」と訳してやれば良い。ただし, 本来thatは非制限用法では使えないことに注意。

In the age of man, there isV1 nowhere to goS1, and thisS2 includesV2 the deepest trenchesO2 of the oceans and the middleO2 of the Antarctic ice sheet, that does not already bearV’ our Friday-like footprintsO’.


人間の時代の中で, 行くべき無の場所S1あるV1。そして, これS2海の最も深いtrenchesO2南極のアイスシートの中間O2含むV2そしてそれは, 私たちのフライデーのような足跡O’すでにbearしないV’


人間の時代において, フライデーのような足跡がいまだに残っていない場所は無い。これは, 海溝の最も深い場所や, 南極の氷原の真ん中を含めても, である。


An obvious lesson to draw from this turn of events is: be careful what you wish for.


An obvious lessonS1 to draw from this turn of events isV1: be carefulV2 what you wish for.


このイベントの変換から引き出すべき明らかなレッスンS1は, あなたが願うもの気を付けろV2


このような出来事の変換から得られる明らかな教訓は, 願い事をするときは注意してせよ, ということである。

Atmospheric warming, ocean warming, ocean acidification, sea-level rise, deglaciation, desertification, eutrophication — these are just some of the by-products of our species’s success.


Atmospheric warming, ocean warming, ocean acidification, sea-level rise, deglaciation, desertification, eutrophication — theseS areV just someC of the by-products of our species’s success.


大気の温暖, 海の温暖, 海の酸化, 海の水面の上昇, 氷河の融解, 砂漠化, eutrophication。これらSただ私たちの種の成功の副産物のいくつかCだ。


気温の上昇, 海水温の上昇, 海水の酸性化, 海面上昇, 氷河の融解, 砂漠化, 富栄養化。これらは, 人類の成功の副産物のほんの一部である。

Such is the pace of what is blandly labeled “global change” that there are only a handful of comparable examples in earth’s history, the most recent being the asteroid impact that ended the reign of the dinosaurs, sixty-six million years ago.


SuchC isV the paceS of what is blandly labeledV’ “global change”C’ that there areV” only a handfulS” of comparable examples in earth’s history, the most recentS”’ beingV”’ the asteroid impactC”’ that endedV”” the reignO”” of the dinosaurs, sixty-six million years ago.


「地球の変化」C’blandlyにラベル付けされるV’ものペースSそのようCなので, 地球の歴史の中で比較可能な例のほんの一握りS”あるV”。そして, 最も最近のものS”’は, 6600万年前に, 恐竜の統治O””終わらせたV””ような小惑星のインパクトC”’


穏やかに「地球規模の変動」と名付けられるものの進行速度は非常に速いため, 地球上の歴史でそれに匹敵する例はほんの一握りしかない。直近のものは, 6600万年前に恐竜が支配していた時代を終わらせた小惑星の衝突である。

Humans are producing no-analog climates, no-analog ecosystems, a whole no-analog future.


HumansS are producingV no-analog climatesO, no-analog ecosystemsO, a whole no-analog futureO.


人間Sは, アナログでない気候O, アナログでない生態系O, 全くアナログでない未来O作っているV


人間は, これまでにない気候, これまでにない生態系, そして全くこれまでにない未来を作りつつある。

At this point it might be prudent to scale back our commitments and reduce our impacts.


At this point itS might beV prudentC to scale back our commitments and reduce our impacts.


この地点で, 私たちのコミットメントをスケールバックすることと, 私たちのインパクトを減らすことは, 慎重C かもしれないV


この時点で, 人間の関与を縮小し, 影響力を減らすことが, 賢明な判断かもしれない。

But there are so many of us — as of this writing nearly eight billion — and we are stepped in so far, return seems impracticable.


But there areV11 so many of usS11 — as of this writing nearly eight billion — and weS12 are stepped inV12 so far, returnS2 seemsV2 impracticableC2.


しかしとても多くの私たちS1いてV1この記述の時点でほとんど80億, 私たちS1これまでstep inされたV1ので, 戻ることS2実践的でないC2 ように思うV2


しかし, これを書いている時点でほぼ80億人ほどの非常にたくさんの人間がいて, ここまで踏み込んできてしまったので, 後戻りは現実的でないように思える。


And so we face a no-analog predicament.


And so weS faceV a no-analog predicamentO.




こうして我々は, これまでにない苦境に直面している。

If there is to be an answer to the problem of control, it’s going to be more control.


If there is to beV’ an answerS’ to the problem of control, it’sS going to beV more controlC.


もし支配の問題に対する答えS’あるとするV’ならば, それSより支配OなるだろうV


もし, 支配という問題に対する答えがあるとするならば, それはより支配を強化するということになるだろう。

Only now what’s got to be managed is not a nature that exists — or is imagined to exist — apart from the human.

  • have got = haveなので, what‘s got to be managed = what has to be managedと読み替えると, have to doの形が出てくる。

Only now what’s got to be managedV’ is notV a natureC that existsV” — or is imagined to exist — apart from the human.


今だけマネージされる必要のあるV’ものは, 人間から離れて存在するV”または存在すると想像されるような自然C ではないV


しかし, 今管理される必要のあるものは, 人間とは別に存在している, またはそう思われている自然ではない。

Instead, the new effort begins with a planet remade and spirals back on itself — not so much the control of nature as the control of the control of nature.


Instead, the new effortS begins withV1 a planet remadeO1 and spirals back onV2 itselfO2 not so muchnot so much the control of natureA asas the control of the control of natureB.


その代わり, 新しい努力Sは, 惑星の再作成O1から始まりV1, それ自身O2の上にspiral back onするV1自然の支配Aというよりむしろ自然の支配の支配B


そうではなく, 新しい取り組みは惑星を再構成するところから始まり, それ自身に立ち返ってくる。つまり, 自然の支配ではなくむしろ, 自然の支配「を支配する」ことである。


現在, 生徒募集中です。
この記事の解説がわかりやすいと感じた方は, 是非一度検討してみてください。

